Nothing is changing so want to check food sensitivities?
The Food Zoomers from Vibrant Wellness are blood spot or serum blood tests which provide an in-depth and accurate look at true food sensitivities. They are tests that examine immune responses to peptides within these antigenic foods (compared to many other food sensitivity tests which measure antibodies to whole proteins, which are rarely actually what our immune systems are exposed to in real life during digestion.) Each Food Zoomer test checks the IgG and the IgA antibodies.
Currently, the Vibrant Food Zoomer menu includes:
Wheat Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to thousands of peptides in gluten and wheat, celiac disease, intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”), and wheat allergy
Lectin Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to 17 high lectin foods and 7 high-aquaporin foods
Corn Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to peptides in corn, including GMO and non-GMO varieties
Grain Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to many commonly consumed grains
Mammalian Milk Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to all peptides in goat, sheep, donkey and camel milk
Dairy Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to all peptides in cow’s milk
Egg Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to peptides in egg white and egg yolk
Peanut Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to all known antigenic peptides in peanut
Nut Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to multiple tree nuts
Soy Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to peptides in soy, including GMO and non-GMO soy
Seafood Zoomer: to detect sensitivity to multiple species of fish and shellfish, including parasites common to ocean fish
These tests can be bundled together at a discounted price with four or more Zoomers on the same client on the same draw.
The Details ...
Which Food Zoomers Are Right For You?
This question comes often, as there are some considerations to be given to the differing diets, symptoms, environments, and medical histories of each patient you see.
General reasons for running a Food Zoomer bundle may include:
if the person seems especially sensitive (chemically sensitive, for example), manifesting in rashes, temperature dysregulation, coughing, running nose, watering eyes, excess sneezing after eating certain foods
if the person has an autoimmune disease
if the person is unable to heal an issue despite multiple efforts
if the person has altered bowel function (symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, excess gas/pain, IBS, SIBO, heartburn)
if the person has relentless psychological symptoms, such as panic attacks, anxiety, OCD, schizophrenia, or other serious psychological or cognitive issue (as well as PANDAs)
if the person has other neurological symptoms, even if they do not have gastrointestinal symptoms
The Wheat Zoomer is a foundational test and should be included in each Food Zoomer bundle being run on a patient for the first time.
The Wheat Zoomer goes far beyond just wheat and gluten sensitivity. It currently provides the most in depth panel for assessment of intestinal permeability available, which does have a connection to gliadin in gluten-containing grains.
And, even if you suspect intestinal permeability, the Wheat Zoomer can still differentiate between permeability that is likely caused by gluten and permeability that is more likely to be caused by gram negative bacteria, for instance.
Next, you should decide which foods the person is most commonly eating that are known to be antigenic. This requires a thorough food or diet history.,
Considering what a person is eating daily, weekly, and monthly will also aid in building a pattern of how the person eats and what foods would be most meaningful to test for sensitivity.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider if you are taking any medication.
Note that this fee does not include a health history evaluation, email correspondence, nutrition coaching or follow up.
Purchase of this lab does not make you an active client of Lisa Joan Anderson or CRaP4Kids
Sample Reports
Stay tuned while Vibrant Wellness updates their website
✓ Wheat Zoomer:
✓ Lectin Zoomer:
✓ Corn Zoomer:
✓ Grain Zoomer:
✓ Mammalian Milk Zoomer:
✓ Dairy Zoomer:
✓ Egg Zoomer:
✓ Peanut Zoomer:
✓ Nut Zoomer:
✓ Soy Zoomer:
✓ Seafood Zoomer: