Day 4: The Gift of Energy

energy help of your journey holistic health mitochondria special needs moms Dec 19, 2021

The 12 Days of Christmas ... End of year reflections from one special needs mom to another ...


Energy and persistence conquer all things. ~ Benjamin Franklin


I know you're exhausted and so this is why Energy is a gift you can give yourself.   

I suspect most of us rely on sugar, caffeine, or other stimulants to get us through a day because we are so exhausted.   

Many of us rely on energy enhancements, which do increase our Energy ... but what goes up must come down (thank you Newton). Energy from sugar and other stimulants goes up for a few hours - and then falls. And then we are grabbing for more stimulants. When we continue taking those stimulants over the long term, our natural Energy level will run lower than what it was before we became reliant on them.  

So what is the key to REAL energy?

It's actually optimizing your mitochondria. :)

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of every cell in your body. They are the absolute most critical physiological system involved in our energy levels.  If you deal with fatigue on a regular basis, it is almost certainly a sure sign that your mitochondria are not functioning well. 

The main issue, though, is as you age your mitochondria become damaged and dysfunctional.   And they shrink in size.  (Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.) Research has shown that for most people, the ability of our cells to produce energy decreases by HALF from ages 20 to 40.  Then from 40 to 70 they decrease by another HALF!  (ouch!)

As a result, the energy your mitochondria produce naturally decreases over time, reducing your health and longevity ... and causing fatigue. 

Then add in psychological stress, environmental toxins (e.g., heavy metals, air pollutants), poor diet, poor gut health (if you didn't read yesterday's note, you can find it  , and chronic inflammation ... they all cause further mitochondrial damage and dysfunction and shut the mitochondria down. 

The mitochondria shift out of energy production mode to cell protection mode.  (You know how you feel when you're fighting a cold or flu? The mitochondria are in cell protection mode to help your body fight off the virus or infection.  And as your body heals they they shift out of cell protection mode back into energy production and you are able to do more of the things you typically do.)

Research is now showing that these three things the loss of mitochondria, the damage/dysfunction of mitochondria, and the shut down of mitochondria are the primary factors that drive low energy levels.

In other words, if you’ve got low energy levels, it likely means that your mitochondria have become weak, damaged, dysfunctional, and switched off over time.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is found to be the root cause of most chronic diseases. So not only are we exhausted, we are also eventually prone to chronic diseases.  

Ugh, how are we supposed to care for ourselves and our family?  #overwhelm

So the key to ramping up your mitochondria and keeping them in Energy Production mode is the following:

- Reduce as much as possible what inhibits the mitochondria: reduce toxins in food, medicines, make up, skin care, cleaning supplies, and the environment.

Let me share 2 Energy Boosters that I'm hoping will be (decently) easy to fit into your day ...

1. My Energy Elixir is filled with health promoting ingredients that will pick you up any time of the day.  If you haven't yet tried it, here's the recipe.    

More energy at the cellular level means better health, greater longevity, protection from countless diseases, and of course, more physical energy that you feel.

2. Create specific blocks of time where you can let go of the stresses of the day or week and consciously relax and re-CHARGE your body and especially your brain.   (I know, you're thinking that you don't have any time in the day to fit something like this in otherwise you would already be doing it. Hear me out, though ... )

Your goal is to create a block of time each day or a few times a week – ideally 15 minutes (or more) that is for your re-charge ritual - something meaningful you love doing that you can focus on doing that will get you into an excited, playful mood.  It does not matter what it is – dancing, yoga, reading a novel, studying something that gets you excited and fascinates you, playing with your dog, a hot bath behind a locked door ... 

The act of play stimulates an important neuropeptide in your brain called orexin, which is one of the main regulators of your mood and your energy level. So play is actually one of the most powerful ways to boost your energy immediately. 

If you neglect your passions and what you love, it will slowly suck the life and energy out of you.  Regret and resentment will begin to fill your mind and soul along side exhaustion and eventually burn out.  

I want you to re-connect with who you are each day (or a few times a week). When you focus on doing what you love, you start to rewire the neural circuitry of your brain into a more energetic, more passionate, and more alive way of being a mom on your special needs journey.  

It's part of the self-care we talked about yesterday. If you don't take care of yourself you eventually won't be there to care for the ones you love. 

Let me make your journey a little bit easier ... 

With love,

- Lisa xo

P.S.  Any guesses what tomorrow's Gift may be?  If you get it right I'll gift you with 20% off any of my nutrition or coaching programs.  :)



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