What's LOVE got to do with it? care for the caregiver love yourself parent support Feb 14, 2022


“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth … It always protects, always trusts, always hopes.” - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a


“What’s LOVE got to...

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Day 4: The Gift of Energy energy help of your journey holistic health mitochondria special needs moms Dec 19, 2021

The 12 Days of Christmas ... End of year reflections from one special needs mom to another ...


Energy and persistence conquer all things. ~ Benjamin Franklin


I know you're...

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Day 3: The Gift of Health care for the caregiver digestion holistic health Dec 17, 2021

 The 12 Days of Christmas ... End of year reflections from one special needs mom to another ...

Without your health, you've got nothing going on. I thank God every day for good health....

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Day 2: The Gift of Faith disability faith hope specialneedschildren specialneedsmom Dec 15, 2021

The 12 Days of Christmas

End of year reflections from one special needs mom to another …

We are twice armed if we fight with faith. ~ Plato


My introduction to my Special Needs...

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Back to school? Dec 14, 2021

I never had any plan of becoming a teacher.  Then suddenly along with my roles as mom, advocate, program manager, holistic nutritionist, coach, driver, shopper, cook and housekeeper, I...

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The 12 Days of Christmas … End of year reflections from one special needs mom to another ... disability specialneedschildren specialneedsmom specialneedssibling Dec 14, 2021

The Gift of Special Needs

“I would not change you for the world, but I will change the world for you― Amy Wright


 I want you to know that whatever you’re...

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